Why You Shouldn’t Learn Dating Techniques

Why You Shouldn’t Learn Dating Techniques

There are good reasons why you should NOT learn dating techniques…

Many dating “experts” teach various techniques in order to improve your chances of attracting a mate. This is the wrong approach. Here’s why…

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Dating tips

There various techniques that “experts” (who usually want your money) advocate for helping you attract a partner. They often consist of using “special” body language techniques, eye movements, and saying certain things at certain times. Some of these techniques may work to some degree, and some certainly don’t.

The problem with using dating tips is that they’re fake. You know it, and the person you are with can smell it a mile away.

It’s difficult to play the dating game when you have a whole list of rules to try and remember. They actually make you less confident, as you fumble your way through, desperately trying to remember what technique to use when.

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Even if these dating tips work, is it worth it? You might convince them you are more confident or charismatic than you really are. But does this help you in the long run?

The day will come where you have to be yourself. You cannot live a lie forever. Then they discover you’re not the person they thought you were. Wouldn’t it be better if they genuinely liked YOU for who you are?

The solution

Work On Yourself, Rather Than On Dating Techniques!

The best way to attract a suitable partner in your life is to develop YOU.

People love to see confidence, but not fake confidence. They like to see deep rooted inner calm that has been developed by time and experience. Fake confidence is easy to spot, and it’s not attractive.

The best way to develop this is to give yourself more life experiences. You learn and grow from them.

Why not sign up to the local amateur dramatics club for example? You’ll gain new friends, and be forced to grow in stature as you push out of your comfort zones.

There are many other examples of things you can undertake to help you grow and evolve, and meet new people. College courses, sporting activities, part-time work are just a few examples. Really live your life and you’ll grow in stature and meet new people.

These experiences help you to grow as a person, and meet many new people along the way. This MASSIVELY increases your chances of finding a suitable partner who likes YOU.

Say yes to life and try new things. You’ll gain social skills, new friends, and confidence, which is all you need to increase your chances of finding a partner. Don’t bluff your way into a relationship – it just doesn’t work.

Final thoughts

Instead of learning various dating techniques, work on self improvement. Keep pushing yourself through new challenges, and each time you will grow in stature. This is what really attracts people.

Even if you are currently in a relationship, why not work on improving yourself? You’ll find that your partner becomes more attracted to you.

As you learn and grow there’s more of you to be attracted to. Your stature and personality become bigger and stronger. Go for it!

Want some help feeling confident enough to show your true self…


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