10 Things Unsuccessful People Say

10 Things Unsuccessful People Say

Do you think like a successful person? If you don’t then you could be missing out. Here’s 10 Things Unsuccessful People Say…

How you talk to yourself and others is VITAL for your success. It programs your subconscious mind and effects the way you behave and make decisions. This can easily be the difference between success and failure.

Do you say the right things for success?

Here’s what to avoid saying (the best one is at the end BTW)…

It can’t be done

Unsuccessful people say things can’t be done. History is littered with people who did things that “can’t be done”. To be successful you often have to innovate. You cannot innovate without believing you can do something that hasn’t been done before.

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I can’t…

Don’t let your abilities stop you. Learn a new skill, or hire someone to do it. Bill Gates stopped programming in the 80’s, and paid more talented programmers to do it for him.

I can do it all myself

Maybe you can, but if you do, you are likely to become a one man band running a small business. Sometimes you need to outsource to specialists who are better than you at certain tasks.

Don’t trust anyone

Trust is vital when running a business. Lack of trust will hold you back. You will be too fearful to do anything.

You must trust employees if you want to get the best out of them. You must trust customers not to abuse guarantees. And you must trust in your own abilities.

I’m frightened of criticism

If you become successful, you WILL receive criticism. Someone will disagree with something you do. Listen and learn, but don’t let it stop you pursuing your plan of action. There are many negative people out there that would rather put you down than work on their own plan for success. Don’t let them drag you down to their level.

I’m right, you’re wrong

You can’t be right ALL the time. It doesn’t make you look weak admitting you’re wrong. It makes you look strong. It also gives you the opportunity to learn from other peoples’ experiences.

I like to please everyone

Many people fail because they try to please everyone. If you do then you are likely to get nowhere. For example, people in your life will probably want you to play safe and get a “proper job”. If you please them you won’t go far.

Everyone has different opinions on what you should do. Listen to them, but find your own way.

It’s too risky

You can’t be successful without taking some risks. Don’t be reckless, but be prepared to take a chance.

It’s not my fault

It’s fine for things to go wrong – at least you’re trying. Things ALWAYS go wrong. Learn from them and laugh at them. It’s how you handle them that counts. If you are fearful of mistakes, then you will be too afraid to try new things.

If you don’t take responsibility for things going wrong, then it implies that those around you are at fault. This is not the way to build team unity.

I’ll be successful one day

“One day” never happens. Convince yourself you are successful NOW, and be grateful for all you have, and all you’ve already achieved. Then aim to be more successful.

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