How To Discover Your Passion In Life

How To Discover Your Passion In Life

Have you found your passion in life? Sadly, MANY people haven’t.

You can have all the self discipline in the world, but if you don’t know what to do with it, then it’s practically useless.

Many people have the problem of what to do, rather than how to do it. If you don’t know what to do, then building the other skills is worthless, as you’ve not jumped over the first hurdle.

Learning how to find your passion in life is VITALLY important. Only then will you gain true value in learning skills such as self discipline, hard work, bravery, focus, etc.

How do you find your passion? Here’s an exercise…

How to discover your passion

This is a method that has its similarities with automatic writing. You need to clear your mind, and get writing (so have a pen and paper handy).

  1. Close your eyes and take 10 slow deep breaths

  2. Imagine yourself in the perfect place for relaxation. It might be a garden, a beach – anywhere YOU like.

  3. After a few minutes open your eyes, take 3 quick but deep breaths, and energise.

  4. Now write a list of possible things you could do. Don’t think, just write. There is no right or wrong. It could be actor, musician, juggler etc. Write as fast as you can – don’t even read what you’ve written, and don’t worry about spelling or grammar.

  5. Do this for as long as you can, until you run out of steam.

How To Find Your PassionA particular thing you write will eventually hit you like a freight train. It may be whilst you’re writing it, or later when you’re reading the list.

You’ll feel powerful emotions towards it – fear and excitement are often the strongest. That’s the one – that’s it.

If none of the list do this for you, highlight the ones that make you feel a moderate amount of emotion. Read them a few times, then repeat this exercise. The moderately emotional ones will lead you closer to “the one”. Pretty soon you’ll get there.

Once you have, you’re away.

The logical choice

Emotion is vital for finding passion. You’re logical choice might be to become a bank manager, since that’s what your father did, and it pays pretty well. However your passion is NOT usually the logical choice…

The logical choice will NOT make you wake up early in the morning, excited to work. It will NOT make you go that extra mile to excel at what you do. And it won’t get you through those tough times when things aren’t going your way.

You’re mediocre when you’re not following your passion.

Follow your passion

How To Find Your Passion
Passion Gives You Energy!

Too many of us follow the logical choice. We do what’s easiest, or what’s expected.

However you’re handing your life away to tedium. You’re not doing what you really want to do. Don’t be tempted to play safe, be honest with what’s your passion.

You’re far more likely to excel at what you’re passionate about.

The one on your list that makes you feel the most emotion is also likely to be the scariest. That’s because it’s the thing you feel truly passionate about. Pursuing it is life changing. And that can be unsettling.

If you wanted to become an actor, then you might have to quit your job and go to drama school. That’s obviously a BIG decision. But do you really want more of the same in your life?

Be brave

The thing is, you might fail at becoming a bank manager. A superior might not like you, and block you before you ever reach that level. The bank might close down, or you might get ill. Anything can happen.

Why not risk failing at something you WANT to do, rather than failing at something you DON’T want to do?

People will think you’re crazy for wanting to change your life. DON’T LET THEM STOP YOU. It’s your life, and it’s better to live and die by your own choice, than to live and die by someone else’s.

What’s right for them is not necessarily right for you – and vice versa.

Final thoughts

Life’s too short to spend 40 years working 40 hours per week doing something you hate. Find your passion, then make it happen. No one will hand it to you.

If you value your life, then you owe it to yourself. Break out of your comfort zone and go all out to make it happen. You CAN do it.

Now that you’ve discovered your passion, gain some momentum…

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