Meditation For Weight Loss

meditation for weight lossHere’s a simple meditation for weight loss…

You eat mainly for two reasons – to satisfy physical hunger, and to satisfy emotional hunger. If you are feeling “empty” emotionally, then this can cause you to overeat to compensate.

Please CLICK HERE For My Collection Of Meditation MP3s

By removing your emotional hunger, you only need to eat when genuinely hungry. This meditation helps you eat the right amount of food for you to maintain a healthy weight…

  1. Lie down flat your back and gently place your hands on your stomach.

  2. Breath in slowly and deeply in through your nose, and out through your mouth.

  3. Feel your stomach rising and falling with every breath you take.

  4. Imagine you are breathing in a golden emotional energy. And breathing out black negative energy.

  5. Visualise this golden emotional energy slowly filling you up with each breath you take, starting from the tips of your toes.

  6. Keep breathing in this golden emotional energy until it fills your legs, body, and head.

  7. Enjoy the blissful feeling of this warming golden emotional energy for a few minutes.

Please try this meditation for weight loss every day for a week, then once per week after that. Not only will this help you lose weight, you will also feel more settled emotionally. Enjoy!


Want more help losing weight? Take a look at my hypnosis session Eat More Slowly. It programs your subconscious mind to eat slower, which helps your stomach realise it is full sooner. This leads to gradual natural weight loss…

Please CLICK HERE for more details of my Eat More Slowly Hypnosis