Childbirth And HypnoBirthing – Is Fear Getting In The Way?

HypnobirthingWhen you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change
-Marie Mongan

The topic of childbirth is a very interesting one. When you look at animals in the wild, serious complications during birth are incredibly rare, and are often referred to as a “freak accident”. The same SHOULD be for human women, but, it isn’t. It’s interesting to see that the rate of cesarean sections have gone from about 5% (back in the early 70’s) to about 35% now, all while pregnancy and birth “complications” have gone up.What is wrong with this picture?Well, it’s quite obvious as to what is wrong. All you need to do is take a look at the big picture, and have a basic understanding of how the human body works in conjunction with the mind.

Thanks to the media and our medical community, women are having a FEAR of child birth. Women are afraid to experience child birth and labor! One of the most natural acts of human kind is being feared.

In theory, this is no different than having an innate fear of going to the bathroom.

Imagine for a moment — when you watch a movie or television show that portrays a pregnant woman. Chances are, there is always going to be something dramatic happening with her. Then, top it off with horror stories from medical “professionals” who are telling you that if you do not bend to their will, then you’ll be putting your baby at serious risk. “Serious risk” — those are powerful words. What greater fear to a mother is there, than having her child be at “serious risk”? Not many.

While medical professionals may not have the intentions of scaring an expectant mother; they are trained to watch for specific “signs” and then “warn” the mother, when it really isn’t all that necessary. These warnings are often over emphasized, which creates a state of panic. This has been a part of our culture as a whole for a long time. Women know this, and become fearful of something going “wrong”.

You know what happens when women become fearful, worried and stressed? Their body fights back against labor. They will enter a “fight or flight” response, all while their uterus is telling them that it’s time to have a baby. The actions of their uterus, combined with the contrast of the “fight or flight” response will often result of the body not properly performing it’s job during child birth. This is what leads to so many c sections. Fear equals tension and tension equals pain. This cycle throws off the woman’s natural process.

These complications would not normally occur under ideal circumstances. There are many cultures across the world who virtually never have to have c sections. The women are completely calm and relaxed, and feel no pain; just tightness and pressure. The feelings they should be experiencing during labor and child birth. These women don’t even fathom the idea of pain medication. To them, it’s absurd. Physically, their body is no different than anyone else’s.

The goal is to keep yourself in a relaxed, comfortable environment, and have a true understanding of child birth, while getting yourself away from any influences that speak negatively of child birth.

The art of hypnobirthing is an incredible tool to help empower women to achieve a normal, relaxed state of mind while undergoing this completely natural and amazing experience.



hypnobirthing hypnosis
This is a guest post from Aaron Braun.
Aaron Braun considers himself a student of life. He is a proponent of wisdom literature, meditation and hypnosis, has studied the power of thought, and the great capabilities of the human mind. 
If you’re interested in his writings, you can find his personal Facebook page at the following link…