How To Stick To Your New Year Resolutions

How To Stick To Your New Year Resolutions

Learn how to stick to your new year resolutions…

Do you start the year with good intentions, but struggle keeping them going?

Most of us decide on a new year resolution every year. After the festivities of Christmas and New Year, you may be enthusiastic. But in a few days, things change…

As sure as day turns to night, you retreat back to your old habits. You were enthusiastic. What changed? Why could you not stick to your new years resolution?

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A conscious decision

It’s because you made up your mind consciously. Your conscious mind wants to eat less, quit smoking etc. but you haven’t told your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind controls your automatic habits and urges. Here’s an example of how it works. Please read this next bit, as it’s REALLY important in helping you understand…

Your subconscious mind usually controls your breathing. But you can change this by focusing on your breathing consciously. 

You may want to breath slower and deeper because you’ve read it’s better for your health. So you consciously change how you breathe.

This works fine for a few minutes, but after a while your breathing returns back to normal. This is because it eventually returns back to your subconscious control. And your subconscious doesn’t know that breathing slowly and deeply is better for your health. So it breathes like it’s always done.

The same happens with habits. Once you’ve consciously let go of making the change, you return to your old ways. Your subconscious takes over, and it doesn’t know any better. That’s why so many people fail to stick to their new year resolutions.

How do you make a permanent change?

Subconscious change

How To Stick To Your New Year ResolutionsYou need to find a way to change your subconscious thinking to change a habit permanently. Hypnotherapy is great at doing this quickly.

A hypnotic trance is a state of mind where your conscious mind is tuned down, allowing greater access to your subconscious. In hypnosis, suggestions are given directly to your subconscious mind. Once your subconscious mind is aware of the change you wish to make, this becomes permanent.

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This isn’t the only way…

You CAN change your subconscious mind through shear tenacity, but it does take time. Research suggests it takes around 28 days.

You need to remain consciously aware of the change you’re making for 28 days. After this time, your subconscious should have the message.

So if you consciously breathe slowly and deeply for 28 days, your subconscious will start doing this without you having to think about it.


To stay consciously aware and motivated to stick to your New Year Resolutions, you must not forget. If you do, you ‘ll quickly slip back to your old ways. The best way to do this is to give yourself lots of reminders.

If you’ve decided not to eat in between meals, then leave yourself messages EVERYWHERE to remind yourself. Get some post-it notes and stick them where you spend your time, saying things like “Only Meals”.

Stick these at your desk, on your fridge, on cupboards, and on your walls. This will remind you to consciously stick to your goal.

Let people close to you know your New Year Resolution. Give them permission to reprimand you if you show signs of slipping.

Remove easy opportunities to slip

Make it as difficult as possible to subconsciously slip up, by removing opportunities. Throw away snack foods if you don’t want to eat between meals. Throw out your cigarettes, and don’t let anyone leave them lying around if you want to quit smoking.

Don’t take money out with you if you think you may buy items you shouldn’t – or only take enough for what you need.

Be honest and transparent with yourself. Remember, cheating is only cheating yourself.

Be adamant

Be 100% committed to your New Year Resolutions. Don’t give yourself permission to break them “just this once” because you’ve had a bad day. You WILL have bad days, and they’re a great excuse to break your New Year Resolutions. Soldier on regardless.

Don’t use good days as an excuse either. “I’m celebrating” or “I just want to have fun” is no excuse. You CAN be happy without your bad habit. In fact you’ll be happier in the long run.

Replace it

Think of ways to replace what you’ve quit. That way your subconscious mind won’t rebel because it feels it’s missing out.

If you quit smoking, use the money you save for something pleasurable. If you quit eating between meals, reward yourself with new clothing that shows off your improved figure.

Find ways of making your subconscious mind feel better off due to the change. It has a limited understanding of the modern world, and feels cheated when you’ve eliminated something – even if it’s bad for you.

Your subconscious mind will nag you with urges until you relent. Don’t give it a reason to.

Final Thoughts On How To Stick To Your New Year Resolutions

It’s difficult to permanently change habits you’ve had for years. On a conscious level you’re likely to be motivated. But you must also find a way to engage your subconscious mind. Then you’re not “caught in two minds”. Both your conscious and your subconscious need to be working together. If they are, you can achieve anything.

You can go the quick route and use hypnotherapy as a tool to help. Or you can exercise your tenacity and change your subconscious thinking with shear bloody mindedness. Either way, once you’ve decided your New Year Resolution, move heaven and earth to make it happen.

There must be a benefit that you will experience from your New Year Resolution. Perhaps more money or better health. Focus on this benefit when times get tough. Commit to 28 days. After this time, things get a LOT easier.

Good luck, and have a great new year!


(P.S. Please share this article with your friends so they too can learn how to stick to their new years resolutions!)


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