How To Meditate

How To Meditate

How To MeditateHere I will show you how to meditate…

What is meditation?

Meditation is similar to hypnotherapy, but it does have one major difference. The difference is that meditation aims to clear your mind of all thoughts, whereas hypnotherapy aims to add suggestions for therapeutic benefit.

Benefits of meditation

The simple clearing of your mind has many fantastic benefits. Here’s a few of them…

Relieves stressHow To Meditate

Most people have experienced excessive “mind chatter” where your mind can’t seem to relax and shut up. This can be very stressful. In part this is caused by the modern lifestyle. We constantly have stimulating things around us just as TV’s, phones, traffic, people etc. Every now and then we need some time out from this bombardment, and meditation is perfect for this.

Improve memory and concentration

Our memory and concentration improves with a calm mind. Imagine if a drill sergeant was screaming orders at you whilst you were trying to add up a shopping bill. It would be very difficult right? In a similar way a chattering mind makes it difficult to think properly.

Improve creativity

Your creativity is greatly enhanced with a calm still mind. That’s why Archimedes made his discovery about displacement whilst in the bath. He was relaxed, which allowed his creative mind to flow.

Improved physical health

It is well known that stress can hamper out immune system. Regular meditation can significantly reduce the amount of illnesses we contract.

How to meditate

There are many different ways to meditate. I’m going to show you a very simple breathing meditation…

  1. Get yourself comfortable, either seated or led down – it’s up to you.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Place your hands gently on your stomach.
  4. Breath in slowly, deeply and evenly. In through your nose, and out through your mouth.
  5. Feel your stomach rise and fall with each breathe.
  6. Keep breathing slowly, deeply, and evenly. Notice the difference in the temperature of the air as you breathe in, and as you breathe out.
  7. Keep up this slow, deep, even breathing. Focus on the rise and fall of your stomach, and the different temperatures of your breathe. Do this for as long as you wish.

I promise you that even 5 minutes of this per day will make a dramatic difference to your health and happiness. Now you know how to meditate, why not give this a 7 day trial where you do this every day for a week. I would love to hear how this went for you.

If you want some more help meditating, I have created a good collection of different audio’s which guide you through learning new meditations…

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Meditation MP3s.

By Jon Rhodes.