How To Get Up Early

How To Get Up Early
How To Wake Up Early
How Much Better Would Your Life Be If You Found It Easy To Get Up Early?

Learn how to get up early…

Are your mornings a depressing hell? Are you always running last minute?

Would it be good if you woke up early and had more time to get ready at a leisurely pace?

I will show you a great method to teach you how to get up early…

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At some point in most peoples’ lives, they need to learn how to get up early. It might be a new job, a baby, or some other lifestyle change.

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist

In theory it should be easy to get up earlier. All you need to do is go to bed a few hours earlier, then you wake up a few hours earlier right?


Many people try this tactic and are surprised to find that when they go to bed earlier, they cannot sleep. I can’t tell you how many clients of mine have done this. They lie awake for hours, and if they’re lucky, they fall asleep at their usual time, then wake up at their usual time. Damn!

The solution

It’s Impossible To Force Yourself To Sleep. But You CAN Force Yourself To Stay Awake!

The solution of how to wake up early is simple once you think about it. Going to bed earlier is NOT the solution. It’s the total opposite way you should be thinking about it.

Instead of trying to force yourself to go to sleep earlier, you should force yourself to wake up earlier. Set as many alarms as you can, get family to wake you up. Do whatever it takes to focus all your energy on getting up earlier. Don’t worry about going to sleep earlier – because it won’t happen.

It’s pretty much impossible to force yourself to go to sleep. But it’s possible to force yourself to wake up.

It doesn’t matter that you might only have 3 or 4 hours sleep, it won’t kill you. As soon as you wake up, get out of bed. Do this immediately.

Every second that you wait in bed makes in more difficult to get up, and you’re likely to fall back asleep. Don’t think about it. Just react and get out of bed. The more you think about it, the more difficult it becomes.

Once out of bed, get active. Make a coffee, read a newspaper, whatever. Get busy and stay awake. Now go and live your life for the day, and DON’T take a nap or this will mess things up for you. And don’t swell on how little sleep you might have had.

In the evening you should find that you are tired since you only had a small amount of sleep. This is good. Being tired is good as it helps you get to sleep earlier than the night before.

Rinse and repeat

When you wake up the next morning, do the same as the morning before. Force yourself up by any means possible, and stay awake. Get up immediately and stay up.

Hopefully you’ll have more sleep than the night before. If not, don’t let this put you off, as your body is adjusting to the routine. It’s just a matter of time.

Once you have woken up and got out of bed, keep busy and live your life for the day. Again you will probably feel tired in the evening. Great! You should find it even easier to sleep earlier than the night before.

Keep repeatedly forcing yourself to get up at the same earlier time no matter what. After a few days you’ll naturally feel tired at an appropriate time to facilitate this. It may take a week, or even two, but it WILL happen.

We are naturally creatures of routine and habit, and your body will quickly adjust to the new habit of getting up earlier, and going to sleep earlier.

Final thoughts

How to get up early – Instead of  forcing yourself to go to sleep early, force yourself to get up early. It is virtually impossible to force yourself to go to sleep, but you can force yourself to get up early.

As soon as you wake, get straight out of bed. Don’t stay in bed for even 5 minutes. Keep repeating this and your body will adjust. This is the best way to teach your body how to get up earlier. Force yourself up in the morning, and the evening will eventually take care of itself.

Give it a try and see how you go!

Need extra waking up early? I can reprogram your subconscious mind to help you wake up early like clockwork…

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Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Wake Up Early Hypnosis MP3