How to Beat Your Winter Blues

How to Beat Your Winter Blues

Do you feel down and lethargic this time of year? Moody and depressed? You’re not alone…

This time of year can be testing. All the festivities are over, and there’s a long time before summer.

Don’t let this dreary time of year beat you. Fight back and take action. You CAN help yourself beat your winter blues.

Here’s my top 10 tips to help you feel happy, bright and energetic in the winter months.

Learn how to beat your winter blues…

Get outdoors

Even The Winter Sun Can Pick You Up!

Exposure to sunlight boosts your serotonin levels. This chemical helps you feel wonderful and happy.

In winter there’s not much sun, so you must grab it when you can. Make a special effort to escape outdoors when the sun is shining. Even when cloudy, the sun’s rays still penetrate the clouds. So leave your house even when it’s overcast, as you still benefit.

If it’s cold, wear plenty of layers. Even wrapped up, you benefit from the winter sun. The sun’s light enters your eyes and creates positive physiological changes. It triggers your happy spring and summer mood. It doesn’t have to hit bare skin to lift you.

Make your house brighter

Paint your rooms lighter colours. Add more mirrors to bounce light around, and buy some lamps for extra lighting. This helps you feel brighter and happier.

Buy a lightbox

Lightboxes are relatively cheap, and can provide you with blue light that helps reduce symptoms of SAD. 


Visualising being in a sunny climate can give you a positive boost. If you visualise something clear enough, your subconscious mind believes it has really happened. Through visualisation, you can receive enormous benefits – just like you’ve really been in the sun.

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Check your ion levels

Research has indicated that negative ions in the air significantly lifts our mood in the winter. You can buy an ionizer to help raise ion levels in the air.

Better still visit the beach, as there are high levels of naturally occurring negative ions. A salt lamp is great for replicating the effects of being at the beach.

Keep warm

Being cold increases depression. Wrap up well. Wear a hat indoors if you have to. Heat your home well. I know it can be expensive, but your mental and physical health is on the line – you’re worth it.

Vitamin D

Our body naturally produces vitamin D when exposed to sun. In the winter it’s a great idea to eat more foods that contain vitamin D. This includes eggs and oily fish.

Book a winter holiday

Consider booking a holiday in the winter to a warmer climate – even if you must sacrifice a summer holiday to pay for it. You benefit psychologically as you have something to look forward to, plus you benefit physically being in the sun. During the summer you could organise local trips out instead of going away.

Embrace the winter

Learn To Embrace Winter!

Learn to love what’s different about the winter. Appreciate how nature changes. The falling leaves and the frosty landscape has it’s own unique beauty.

If you’re motivated, take up a winter hobby like skiing or snowboarding.

Enjoy getting comfy at home. Put the fire on, wear a dressing gown, and cuddle up to a nice hot chocolate.

If you think positively, you will find many benefits to this time of year. Can you think of any?

Final thoughts

Try to follow as many of these tips as you can to help you beat your winter blues. Stay positive and be determined not to let it beat you.

Remember, as each day passes, you’re moving closer to summer. Hang on in there sunshine – you’ll get there!

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