How Hypnosis Can Help You

How Hypnosis Can Help You…

Want to change a habit or character trait? Would you like to have this change happen quickly and permanently? If so then hypnosis is for you! This is how hypnosis can help you…

One of the big strengths of hypnosis is it helps you make positive changes quickly and permanently. A person who has had a phobia for decades can shake it after one 20 minute session. A shy person can learn to talk in front of huge audiences. Here’s how hypnosis does it…

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Conscious vs.Subconscious

Hypnosis acts quickly because it works with your subconscious mind. This is the part where your automatic fears, habits and urges come from. If you shake uncontrollably at the sight of spiders, it’s your subconscious mind that triggers this.

Most problems stem from your subconscious mind. A gambler may have unintentionally programmed their subconscious mind to gamble. They enjoyed the experience, and wanted more. After a few repeats, their subconscious mind is hooked by the thrill and the repetition.

On a conscious level gamblers know they are likely to lose. You can counsel them for years about why gambling is bad, and they usually agree. But they still keep doing it. Know why?

Although they know on a conscious level that gambling is bad, they don’t know on a subconscious level. Their subconscious mind doesn’t see the problem. It enjoys it and wants more.

The same happens with food addicts. They know they shouldn’t eat that sweet calorie laced bar of chocolate. But their subconscious mind doesn’t see a problem. It enjoys chocolate, and will scream and shout until you relent. It’s difficult to ignore subconscious urges. They gnaw away at you – you often can’t think of anything else until you eventually cave in.How Hypnosis Can Help You

How hypnosis can help you

Hypnosis gets straight to the root of the problem. A hypnotherapist will talk to your subconscious mind and persuade it to change.

In the case of spider phobia, hypnotherapists will tell your subconscious mind that spiders are not terrifyingly dangerous. Once it knows this, your subconscious will no longer feel the need to trigger an automatic fear response. You then remain calm when faced with a spider. How neat is that?

For a food addict, a hypnotherapist might explain that although certain foods are enjoyable, too much can harm your health. Once your subconscious mind knows this, it will not nag you to eat calorie rich foods. This makes it easier to eat less and lose weight.

Hypnotherapy puts your subconscious mind in harmony with your conscious mind. A hypnotherapist shows your subconscious mind what your conscious mind already knows. This stops you being in two minds – your head telling you one thing, and your heart telling you another. With your whole mind working together, you can achieve anything.

What can hypnosis help me with?

Hypnosis can help you with almost anything imaginable. It is commonly used to help weight loss and quit habits, such as smoking. It can also help with your confidence, stress, relationships, public speaking, sleep and so on. You can quickly improve yourself, which will improve your life, and those around you. It is safe, quick and permanent.

Hypnosis gets to the root of the problem. It quickly and efficiently resolves issues, leading to lasting change.

Final thoughts

Hypnotherapy can help you achieve things that conscious counselling can’t hope to. It’s usually not your conscious mind that needs changing, it’s your subconscious. Hypnotherapy is the best tool for the job.

Don’t waste any more time not being at your optimum. Improve yourself and your life quickly and permanently. Don’t spend years suffering – get the help you deserve right now. Aren’t you worth it?

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