How To Use Hypnosis Scripts

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

How To Use Hypnosis ScriptsWant to know how to use hypnosis scripts? Read on…

Hypnosis scripts are a written transcription of what a hypnotherapist says during therapy. Hypnosis scripts detail everything that needs to be said, just like a script for a play.

Hypnosis scripts are useful for showing hypnotherapists how to treat more ailments and deal with more problems. A hypnosis script also gives a therapist a valuable insight into how other therapists deal with issues.

Scripts can also be used by people who are keen on self hypnosis. Although they can’t read out the script at the same time as hypnotising themselves (because their eyes are usually closed), they can gain valuable insight into what strategies to use for certain therapies.

Different people use hypnosis scripts in different ways. Some will read them verbatim. Some will follow them but change them to suit the patient and their own style of delivery. Others will simply use them to get a general gist of how to treat a certain problem but use their own words.

There is no right or wrong. A well written hypnosis script should be able to cater for most patients and most therapists.

Hypnosis scripts should normally be read in a slow, calm, and clear way. The subconscious mind is not great at processing words, so a slow pace is good. Actors like Morgan Freeman often talk with a slow hypnotic voice that can mesmerise the audience. If you listen to his narration in movies such as ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, this will give you an idea of the pace and feeling they need to be read at. You can also gain more of an understanding by listening to other therapists hypnosis audio sessions.

A hypnosis script should be read with confidence and conviction. They must be read with some passion. If they are read with disinterest, the subject will pick up on this, and the therapy will not work.

You must believe in the script you are reading. If the subjects gets a hint that you do not believe it will work, then they are unlikely to believe in the therapy. If you believe in the script, then so will the patient, and the therapy will work.

Clinical hypnosis scripts are useful for the beginning hypnotherapist who wants to learn how to treat more problems. They are also useful for experienced therapists to expand their ‘therapeutic tool bag‘. The best hypnotherapists are always on the look out to expand their knowledge base. A good hypnosis script book can be a very valuable asset to most hypnotherapists.

Now you know how to use hypnosis scripts, this is one place you can find them…

CLICK HERE For Details Of My Ultimate Self Hypnosis Script Book!

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