Muhammad Ali The Hypnotist

Muhammad Ali The Hypnotist
Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Muhammad Ali HypnosisIf you are interested in the psychology of success then Muhammad Ali is well worth studying.

As well as being a clinical hypnotherapist and musician, I’m also a boxing fan.

To be a good boxer you must be strong, fast, fit, brave, and have a tough mentality. Any weakness is exploited. You need many positive attributes to be competitive. And they all begin with your mind.

When I was a teenager I bought mountains of boxing videos to watch old fight footage. I stumbled upon Muhammad Ali, who I’d never seen before. I enjoyed watching this brash young fighter who was as quick with his mouth as he was with his hands. A fighter who could talk a great fight, but importantly could back it up with his fists. I loved his style, both in and out of the ring, and became a fan, buying more archive videos of him.


Self Hypnosis

I didn’t realise at the time, but Muhammad Ali was great at self hypnosis. He used many positive affirmations towards himself, and negative ones towards his opponents. He particularly boasted about being ‘the greatest’, would often correctly predict what round he would win a fight in, and would always look to gain a psychological advantage.

Muhammad Ali HypnotherapyHe even devised metaphors about himself such as “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” and “I’m so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark.” These colourful quotes are easily absorbed by an opponents unconscious mind, causing them to over estimate how good Ali was. He could make them doubt themselves before stepping into the ring.

Ali fully understood the importance of positive self affirmations. He once commented that “At home I am a nice guy: but I don’t want the world to know. Humble people, I’ve found, don’t get very far.”

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”


Grab The Bull By The Horns

When Ali first challenged for the world title at the young age of 22, he was up against the mighty Charles ‘Sonny’ Liston. With an immensely powerful punch, Liston was regarded as one of the greatest heavyweights in boxing history. Although Ali boasted an impressive unbeaten record, no one realistically gave him a chance.

Instead of freezing like a rabbit like many of Liston’s previous opponents, the young Ali confronted Liston at the weigh in before the fight. He acted like a crazy man, calling Liston ‘an ugly bear’. He even arranged with his assistant trainer Drew Bundini Brown to ‘hold him back’ and pretended he wanted to fight there and then.

Although Liston was a fearless warrior, he had never encountered anyone ‘crazy’ before. He didn’t know what to make of this young fighter. This was new to him, and unsettled him before the fight. Needless to say, against all expectations there was a new champion at the end of the fight.


Psychological Tactics

A regular tactic of Ali was to insult and wind up his opponents before, and sometimes during a fight. This made them angry and tense, which wasted their energy, and made them forget their fight strategy.

Ali did this throughout his long boxing career. Even as a 12 years old amateur, Ali would poke his head inside his opponent’s locker room asking, ‘Which one of you is the guy I’m beating up tonight?’

According to Lynne McTaggart in her book “The Intention Experiment”, Muhammad Ali would often rehearse his fights in his head as if they were real. Before one of his fights with Joe Frazier he imagined “the fatigue in his legs, the sweat pouring off his body, the pain in his kidneys and bruises on his face, the flash of photographers, the exultant screams of the crowd, even the moment when the referee lifts his arm in victory…” This classic technique of visualising success is used often in hypnosis. If you want to be a great football player, then visualize yourself excelling at the highest level.

Ali would say himself that “Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision.”

This tally’s with what Napoleon Hill taught, and can be used for success in any venture. Find out exactly what you want (in Ali’s case it was to be the greatest boxer ever), and spend your energy focusing on that positive thing that you want. If Ali kept talking about not wanting to be the worst boxer, it wouldn’t have inspired him at all.

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”

Ali refused to lie down, in every sense. He was known to have a chin made of stone, and took shots off some of the hardest punches to ever grace the sport. Ali, later in his career,  encouraged the hard hitting young George Foreman to repeatedly punch him in order to tire him out. Ali the older of the two men won by shear desire and determination. He was not as young or big and strong as the champion Foreman, but he found a way to win. He convinced himself through repetition that he was the greatest, so his mind and body refused to give in, and he found a way to succeed.

Out of the ring Ali was equally as determined. He refused to fight in the Vietnam war because he didn’t believe it was right. He went to prison for a short time, and was not allowed to box for 4 years. He made up his mind and stood by his decision firmly, regardless of the consequences.


Final Thoughts

This strength of mind is what helped bring Muhammad Ali success both as a boxer and a human being. Ali seemed more aware than most that he must use his mind in a certain way if he was to be a success. He literally thought his way to success using various hypnotic and psychological techniques that he intuitively knew.

Ali talked the talk, but he also walked the walk. His repeated use of positive affirmations and visualisation helped him achieve ‘greatness’, and inspire millions around the world. And he continues to inspire millions to this very day.



Ali shows that you CAN think your way to success. You just need the right mindset…

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Napoleon Hill Laws Of Success – Learn The Secrets of How To Think Rich

Napoleon Hill Laws Of Success – Learn The Secrets of How To Think Rich

Napoleon Hill's Laws Of SuccessNapoleon Hill spent over 25 years studying over 500 rich and successful people. These included Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Rockefeller.  

Here is what he learned, boiled down, to create Napoleon Hill’s Laws Of Success. There is also a video of Napoleon himself explaining his principals, later in this article. This is life changing stuff – enjoy…

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Napoleon Hill was one of the pioneers of the idea that you can change your mindset with autosuggestion and other techniques, in order to think like someone who is rich.

(There are some details at the end of this article about a hypnotherapy session I made using many of Napoleon Hill’s principals)

Hill believed that 98% of people had no firm beliefs, which places true success out of reach. He felt that without a definite purpose, you wander through life achieving very little.

Before him, most success literature focused on changing circumstances by working harder and saving money. Napoleon Hill showed that you should change yourself in order to be successful and wealthy.

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How it all began…

Young Napoleon Hill Met Andrew Carnegie Whilst A Journalist

Hill was one of the first writers of modern genre personal success literature. In 1908, when still a journalist, he met Billionaire Andrew Carnegie to interview him.

According to Hill in his book ‘Think And Grow Rich’, Carnegie revealed to him the secrets of how to think rich. Hill described how the “canny, lovable old Scotsman carelessly tossed it into my mind, when I was but a boy. Then he sat back in his chair, with a merry twinkle in his eyes, and watched carefully to see if I had brains enough to understand the full significance of what he said to me.”

Carnegie seemed suitably impressed and asked Hill to spend 20 years, without pay, studying the minds of rich and successful people. Instead of pay, Carnegie provided him with the contacts and the means to approach all these successful people.

Hill accepted the challenge and spent 25 years studying more than 500 rich and successful people. These people included legends like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Theodore Roosevelt and Alexander Bell. Hill didn’t observe these people from afar – he spent hours over many years right by their side, watching, learning, and asking questions.

After closely studying over 500 successful people for 25 years, you can bet that Napoleon Hill knew his stuff. A major part of Napoleon Hill law of success was that you must have the desire to attain money. If you really desire it, then your unconscious mind is able to make the choices to make it happen. Here are Napoleon Hill’s laws of success…

Hill’s 6 steps to help manifest a desire for money…

1) Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient to say “I want plenty of money.” Be definite with the amount.

2) Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as “something for nothing”.)

3) Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

4) Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once. Whether you are ready or not, put this plan into action.

5) Write a clear concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, the time limit for its acquisition. State what you intend to give in return, and describe clearly the plan which you intend to accumulate it.

6) Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once before bed, and once after waking in the morning.


These 6 steps illustrate the power of the mind and how it can be used to attract what you want. They also illustrate how hypnosis can help bring massive changes to your life. Hypnosis is a good tool for changing your mind set, and it is essential to have the correct mind set to attain success.

According to Hill, these 6 steps ‘were carefully scrutinized by the late Thomas A. Edison, who placed his stamp of approval upon them as being, not only the steps essential for the accumulation of money, but necessary for the attainment of any definite goal.’

Napoleon Hill’s use of self hypnosis…

Napoleon Hill also talks more specifically about ‘suggestion’, which is essentially hypnosis.

“It is a well known fact that one comes, finally, to BELIEVE whatever one repeats to one’s self, whether the statement be true or false. If a man repeats a lie over and over, he will eventually accept the lie as truth. Moreover, he will BELIEVE it to be the truth. Every man is what he is, because of the DOMINATING THOUGHTS which he permits to occupy his mind.”

Thinking positively is a must, as is thinking about what you want. Repeatedly telling yourself positive things is a form of self hypnosis, and can make a difference to your mindset.

Napoleon Hill also discusses ‘autosuggestion’, which is the same as self hypnosis. All those years back, he realised that you can use certain techniques on yourself in order to help your unconscious mind think in a more successful way.

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Hill’s self suggestion instructions to help you accumulate wealth…

1) Find a quiet spot (preferably in bed at night) where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes, and repeat aloud, (so you may hear your own words) the written statement of the amount of money you intend to accumulate, the time limit for its accumulation, and a description of the service or merchandise you intend to give in return for the money. As you carry out these instructions, SEE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.

2) Repeat this program night and morning until you can see, (in your imagination) the money you intend to accumulate.

3) Place a written copy of your statement where you can see it night and morning, and read it just before retiring, and upon arising until it has been memorized.

When I discovered these writings, I was amazed that this knowledge existed so long ago. I find it amazing that these formulas for success are not more widely known. We spend so many years educating ourselves in the hope of money and success, yet we are not taught how to accumulate wealth. Thomas Edison achieved his amazing success with only 3 months of schooling.

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

All you need to do is find a way of convincing your unconscious mind that you are rich, you are successful, and you are capable. You must be specific in what you want. You must also desire this success and then go all out to make it happen. If you want it badly enough you will find a way.

“The best rose bush, after all, is not that which has the fewest thorns, but that which bears the finest roses.” Henry van Dyke

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You MUST put the work in

To get the good things in life isn’t always easy. Napoleon Hill taught that you must work long and hard before enjoying the fruits of your labour. Anything worth having is worth working for. None of us have a divine right to have something for nothing.

Often I see people in business spend more time and energy in the pursuit of attaining something for nothing, rather than spend it providing something useful. That is why I always go that extra mile with every hypnosis product that I make. I know that the more effective and useful the product is for others, the more will eventually come my way. And I can tell you that it does work!

Hypnotherapy has borrowed many of Napoleon Hills teachings and it recognizes the need for the right mental state in order to be successful. Most modern self help books on success and wealth also owe a large debt to Napoleon Hill. This ‘new’ craze of the law of attraction is not new at all…

“…merely desiring an automobile will not cause that automobile to come rolling in, but, if there is a burning desire for an automobile, that desire will lead to the appropriate action through which an automobile may be paid for.” Napoleon Hill

Final thoughts

If you read his books you will tap into the fountain of his immense knowledge, regardless of how long ago they were written. He was so close to so many successful people for so long, that he had a unique knowledge that perhaps only he can express.

Many modern books are recycled versions of Hill’s work. Don’t miss out on his wisdom. Although he gives a lot of guidance, Hill does not specifically reveal the ultimate ‘secret’ of money and success, but gives many subtle hints throughout his writings. He felt that you must read his literature several times and discover “the secret” for yourself in order to get the full emotional and motivating impact.


Want some help developing your money making mindset? I have created a hypnosis session that programs your subconscious mind to use these principals naturally and automatically…

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The Mesmerizing Paul McKenna Hypnotist

The Mesmerizing Paul McKenna Hypnotist

paul mckenna hypnosisIn 1993 when I was just 17 years old, a TV show in the UK began called “The Hypnotic World of Paul McKenna”. It was a stage hypnosis show filmed in front of a studio audience. Often celebrities would help along with the various funny scenarios, and it was presented in a quite slick and fun way.

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Being young and impressionable I thought that Paul McKenna was very cool, and I wanted to be able to do what he did. Although I later went down the route of clinical rather than stage hypnosis (a route that Paul McKenna has now taken), Paul McKenna was definitely an inspiration to me. He made my ears prick up and take notice of hypnosis, and I remember vowing I would one day learn about hypnosis.

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Because of this inspiration, and the fact that he is one of the most successful hypnotists around today, I thought I would tell you a little about him…

Paul McKenna started out as a radio DJ, beginning on the pirate radio station Radio Caroline, before eventually graduating to Capital Radio and briefly Radio One.

On one of his shows he interviewed a hypnotist who helped Paul to relax. He enjoyed it so much that he decided to learn more about it. Paul borrowed some books from this hypnotist, and his learning began.

A natural entertainer, Paul performed to friends and family, and then quickly started performing at pubs and clubs whilst still working as a radio DJ. He soon graduated to bigger venues such as the Duke of York’s Theatre, which was owned at the time by Capital Radio.

At around the same time Paul was offered a DJ job at the top UK radio station Radio One. He took up the offer, but did not stay for long as he wanted to concentrate on his hypnosis career. The success of his shows quickly led to him playing other theatres across the UK, Ireland, The Netherlands, the US, Australia and Hong Kong.

Paul McKenna quickly broke into TV and was a part of numerous popular TV series. In 1994 Paul won the award for ‘Best London Show’ as well as the T.R.I.C. Award for ‘Best TV Newcomer’. Paul McKenna’s stage shows became very popular, allowing him to play at venues usually reserved for rock concerts. He broke all records by selling out at The Royal Albert Hall when he put on the largest show of stage hypnosis in the world.

Despite this, he continued to learn hypnosis and branched into learning NLP from its co-creator Richard Bandler, and became more involved in the more serious therapy side of hypnosis – hypnotherapy.

Paul has produced numerous self help books, audios, CD’s, DVD’s and multimedia products. He is now regularly seen on TV talking about and demonstrating his therapeutic techniques, and presenting TV programmes and seminars on hypnosis, NLP and weight loss. He made his name in the entertainment side of hypnosis, but eventually became accepted as a legitimate and serious therapist.

Paul McKenna has treated many celebrities for a variety of issues. I remember many years ago after a very tough fight, boxer Nigel Benn grabbed the microphone declaring ‘I want to thank Paul McKenna, who hypnotised me and made me believe in myself.’

In 2008, the Discovery Channel signed a massive £23 million deal with him to make a series of self help programmes.

Despite all this success it seems that Paul McKenna hasn’t lost his passion for helping people. In an interview in the Guardian in December 2004, he described his anger at the weight loss industry, saying that “diets work for nine per cent of people. I’m amazed they’re even allowed to trade. Beyond passion, I’m actually quite angry about this. Dieting is exploiting people, pure and simple.”

Paul is also keen to share his knowledge, rather than keep it guarded to himself, “I want to make people freer. I’ve got no secrets. I’ll explain all my techniques. The more people out there doing this, the better. The more people who understand how manipulation and psychology work, the less likely we are to be manipulated by unscrupulous politicians.”

It’s great that despite his huge success, Paul McKenna is still in the business of helping people. Of course he has made a lot of money out of it, but he has managed to retain his professional integrity, and has helped many thousands of people. He is an inspiration to both those seeking therapy and to therapists.

Click here to check out my article about the secrets of another TV hypnotist (and magician) Derren Brown

How to Spot a Liar

How to Spot a Liar

How to Spot a Liar

Would you like to learn how to spot a liar? In this article I will show you all the subtle signals most people project when lying…

If you told the truth the entire time, you could end up lonely and receive plenty of slaps around the face. Have you seen the film ‘Liar Liar’ with Jim Carey? He gets into all sorts of trouble because he cannot lie…

There is a time and a place for lying. Lying for the sake of it, or making promises you do not intend to keep, is sure way of alienating yourself from others. People do not like to be deceived for your personal gain, and will quickly spot this and lose trust in you.

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Everyone lies at some point, and if you disagree – you’re lying! It’s fine to lie occasionally. It is part of leading a normal well adjusted life. However there is a balancing point we must choose. Some people do not get this balance right.

Spotting a lie can give you a great advantage for your business and personal life. People will find it much more difficult to pull the wool over your eyes.

So here we are, here’s how to spot a liar…

What’s your gut feeling?

When people lie, especially when they are lying about something important, you often get a gut feeling that something’s not right. This is your first and best sign you are dealing with a liar. Their story does not ‘add up’, or make sense.

Of course this is not definite, but it is a good clue. There are many body language cues that can confirm these feelings…

Covering up – Fake yawning

Covering The Face Often Implies They Have Something To Hide!

When someone tells a lie, they often attempt to cover their mouths, eyes or face. A young child often does this more obviously, reacting instinctively as they don’t want to be seen. They will literally put their hands blatantly over their eyes.

As a person matures and becomes more sophisticated, they tend to be better at hiding this reaction of covering up. But the reaction is still there in a more subtle form.

A person may pretend to cough or yawn to cover up their attempts to hide their face. Yawning and lying are common as yawning also doubles as a self-pacifying action. Men tend to rub their eyes, whilst women tend to look away.

People sometimes touch or rub their ear when telling a lie. This is a subtlety of when, as a child, we cover our ears because we don’t want to hear the response.

Look for subtle signs of “hiding”.

Blood pressure rises

how to detect a liar

A person when lying tends to scratch their noses. There is some truth in the story of Pinocchio, whose nose grew bigger every time he told a lie.

A person telling a lie becomes stressed, and their blood pressure rises in response. This can make the fine capillaries in your nose feel hot and irritable, which makes you want to rub and scratch. It might not give you a big nose, but something very real happens there.

A person may also blush as their blood pressure rises. This increase in blood pressure can cause a persons’ neck to get hot and sweat. This can cause them to scratch their necks or pull at their collar. Hence the saying ‘hot under the collar’.

Look for first reaction

Often a persons’ first reaction is the actual truth, then they quickly conceal it. For example a person tasting your freshly baked pie may subtly screw their face in disgust, then quickly smile and say how fantastic it is. If this happens, then you’d better get a new recipe!

Eye cues

The police often observe eye cues when questioning a suspect. If the suspect looks to their right (your left), this indicates they are making up the visual description. If they look to their left (your right), they are generally regarded as recalling the details from their visual memory.

So if you ask them what they did last night and they look to their right when thinking of the answer, they may be fabricating the events.

Changing the subject

Another way to spot a liar is when they want to change the subject quickly when pressed for more information. They feel relief and welcome a sudden change in the conversation.

Displays of anger are not uncommon as the pressure is on. They fear slipping up and inconsistencies. Its much more difficult to remember lies than it is to remember the truth. They consequently stutter and stammer their way through what they are saying, as they need to talk from their conscious mind, deliberately censoring what they are saying, rather than using their more flowing unconscious part.

People telling lies sometimes attempt to avoid lying by hinting indirectly at something with vague statements. They are sometimes reluctant to say the lie directly when pressed for more clarity.


Here is a quick summary of the signs that someone is lying. There are many more, but these are some of the most common and easiest to spot.

  • Covering mouth, eyes, face
  • Not enough or too much eye contact
  • Touching or rubbing nose
  • Scratching their neck
  • Blushing
  • Initial reaction quickly changes
  • Looking up to their right (your left)
  • Wanting a quick change of subject
  • Anger or irritability
  • Stuttering
  • Vague statements

Video On Lying

Final thoughts on how to spot a liar

These signs are tools for how to spot a liar. They do not prove conclusively that someone is lying, so be careful who you accuse. It is possible that a person may have an itchy nose, or a habit of stuttering occasionally.

However it is fun to spot these signs when dealing with people in everyday life, and you can build up your skills and intuition in reading people. This is very useful in all aspects of your life, both at home and at work. Now go ahead and enjoy!

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How To Make Money Online By Changing Your Mindset

Want to learn how to make money online by changing your mindset? I can help…

There are many people who want to earn money on the internet. They may become bored with the regular nine to five, or want extra money. They tentatively work for a few months, and then give up as nothing seems to be happening. This is not down to ability, and not lack of work rate. I believe it is down to mindset and focus…

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

How To Make Money OnlineTo make money online you have to be passionate about your work. This is because you usually have to work hard for up to two years before you start seeing financial rewards. This can be demoralizing. It causes many people to give up before they had a real chance of success.

My advice is to find something that you are passionate about, and base your business around that. I am passionate about hypnotherapy. I wake up in the morning and I’m itching to work. I often have to drag myself away from my work. To me it’s not work, its fun. I don’t really class what I do as ‘work’.

Making money online is a nice bonus for me. This mind set has helped me work for a long period for no financial reward. This allowed me to build up my online businesses patiently and properly.

If I didn’t enjoy what I was doing I would have given up a long time ago. That’s how to make money online.

Instead of being worried by ‘failure’, I was motivated by success. I wanted to reach out and help as many people as possible. Anyone I helped online was better than none. I was learning what worked for my online business, and what didn’t.

A lot of people have problems with distractions. They check their emails, have a look on a news site, check their Adsense revenue, go on Facebook, play a game, and check their emails again. Does this sound familiar? They may spend 5 hours at the keyboard, but only do an hour or two of work. This can seriously hamper your chances of success.  You could probably double your output without noticing. This would then double your speed to success.

How To Make Money Online By Changing Your MindsetYou can also increase your passion in the area you are working. One tactic I have used to help people is to get them to visualize their internet business as a game.

The amount of money you make over a month is your score.  You must try and beat your previous score every month. You may wish to set yourself score targets. Be playful and creative about it.

Whether you are seeking links to your site, networking on social sites, article writing, building content, or even increasing your knowledge. View it as part of the game. Every little thing you do makes a small but important contribution to your score. This helps some people stay motivated and focused.

There is one cool aspect of this game that is unlike nearly every game (with perhaps the exception of online poker!). If you do well you can earn real tangible money. Not only do you have the pleasure and privilege of playing this game, you can get paid for it.

You can spend loads of time on games or other distractions on the internet. Time spent on these does not lead to your personal success – online business does. This is a far better use of your time.

Now you know how to make money online! If you want to make money online, CLICK HERE To check out my Gastric Band Hypnosis Affiliate programme. It is free to join. Once you have signed up, you will get a unique affiliate link. When people click on this and make a purchase, you are automatically paid 75% commission for ALL sales.