How Language Can Limit Your World

“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”

Ludwig Wittgenstein

How Language Can Limit Your World

How Language Can Limit Your World…

The dictionary defines “possible” as something that may or may not be done. When you say that “it’s not possible”, or that you “can’t”, you immediately take the power away from yourself. Your subconscious mind knows what “possible” means, so when you say that, it becomes more and more unlikely that you’ll overcome whatever obstacle it is you refer to.

Let’s say you are unhappy with your weight and health, but you feel that you “can’t” let go of the excess weight. You may be telling yourself that you’re unhappy in your current state. Well, it’s important to evaluate the words you’re choosing to use. As mentioned, your subconscious mind is well aware of the meaning of these words, and based off of the law attraction, we’re continually drawing ourselves closer to what we really do NOT want.

Instead, shift your thoughts on what you do what. For example: “I want to let go of weight”, or even “I AM letting go of weight”, or “I am becoming healthier”. You will find that you will ultimately become closer to your ideal goal or result, just by shifting your thoughts and the words you choose to use. On the surface, these words appear similar, but I can assure you that the reality is, they aren’t, and these minor differences in word choices make a substantial difference in our personal results.

This can be applied to anything. If you’re at a job that you absolutely despise, and you focus on how much you “hate” your job, then you will attract more circumstances as to why you hate your job. Rather, the proper approach would be to shift your thoughts on “I want a job that better suits my interests and skills”, or, “I am going to find a new job”.

Words are so powerful – more than what most people are aware of. It all starts with your thoughts, and then your words. Believe that, from a person who has overcome adversity! There are many things in life that are challenging, yet, we have a choice on how to respond to everything. We should refrain from settling for a position in life that is less than what we desire. We should reach out and continuously strive for better.


Aaron BraunThis is a guest post from Aaron Braun.
Aaron Braun considers himself a student of life. He is a proponent of wisdom literature, meditation and hypnosis, has studied the power of thought, and the great capabilities of the human mind. 
If you’re interested in his writings, you can find his personal Facebook page at the following link…
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