How Advertising Negatively Programs Your Subconscious Mind

Here’s How Advertising Negatively Programs Your Subconscious Mind…

Advertisers main tactic is to make you feel bad about yourself, then offer their product or service as a solution. In an attempt to feel good, you buy their product.

It’s text book marketing. And sadly it works.

Someone who feels bad about themselves is more controllable. They’re more likely to do as they’re told. And adverts usually tell you what to do at the end – “Buy Now!” A confident, self assured person is less likely to be controlled by what they’re told.

Don’t Think Adverts Affect You?

What if you don’t buy their products? What then?

You’re left with something in your subconscious saying you’re inadequate. And this is repeated over and over, as the advert is repeated over and over again. Drumming it into your mind.

You might not think that advertising affects you, but look at what products you buy. Do you feel safer buying brands you have “heard of”? These are usually the ones that advertise. And they’re usually more expensive! Who says these products are better than the brands you haven’t “heard of”?

You might not have the latest phone, clothes or car. Maybe you don’t have the perfect beach body, or that Hollywood smile. You’ve been offered the Golden Ticket to solve these “deficiencies”, but you’ve declined. What next?

Your subconscious mind now believes you have an unsolved “problem”. And in the background it worries and frets.

Negative Advertising Causes Worry!

Take a look at this advert against smoking. It’s obvious aim is to terrify you into thinking that smoking rapidly ages you. It’s aim is largely good, because smoking is detrimental to your health. But what if you don’t quit smoking after seeing this?

smoking-2The suggestions repeatedly drift into your subconscious mind, leaving you worried about your health. The advertisers might be trying to help your physical health, but this is at the expense of your mental health.

Worry is bad for your health – mental and physical. And if it doesn’t achieve it’s aim of persuading you to quit smoking, then all it’s done is add worry to the mix.

Think of all the negatively charged adverts you take in every day. They may be on the TV, the radio, advertising boards, newspapers, magazines – they’re EVERYWHERE.

I’ve seen phone adverts imply you should be embarrassed by your old phone. Fast food restaurants telling you to relax and enjoy their unhealthy food. Then weight loss ads telling you you’re overweight!

With all these messages screaming how inadequate you are, it’s no wonder you feel down about yourself at times.

It’s Time To Fight Back!

Reduce your exposure to adverts. Watch less TV and do something more constructive instead. If you must watch TV, then down the volume during adverts.

Ignore adverts in magazines etc. And always approach adverts with a sceptical mindset. Remember, they want YOUR money!

Adverts don’t usually lie outright. But they often make wild implications.

They may imply that if you buy their greasy burger, you’ll get the girls. Or you’ll become popular if you buy their latest phone.

Enjoy spotting what advertisers imply. This helps you reject their negative suggestions. Make it in to a sort of game – spot the implication!

Feel Good About Yourself Subliminal MP3I have created a subliminal audio called “Feel Good About Yourself”. It contains several positive affirmations that will help you feel good about yourself again.

This helps redress the balance. A nice dose of positive suggestions helps fight off those negative ones you’re exposed to…

Please CLICK HERE For More Details About My “Feel Good About Yourself” Subliminal

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