Ask The Hypnotherapist #5

What are your plans, looking towards the future, for HypnoBusters?

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Well I want to create more sessions in order to treat a wider range of issues. I often get people contacting me about making new sessions to help them with their specific problems. I must admit that I find it a little frustrating that I cannot help everyone all the time! However I do note down these suggestions, and will get round to them. It will take time, but I will eventually have a very comprehensive library of hypnosis audios for people to choose from.

Perhaps more importantly though, I want to continue to build a relationship of trust between myself and my patients. I have regular dialogue with many people, and help them with what sessions are best for them to choose, and what lifestyle changes they can make in order to maximize the benefits that these sessions offer. I feel that this will help the HypnoBusters brand grow even more, and help to help more people, more effectively. Also I hope to make more visual therapy sessions in the future. Here is a small taste of what might be to come!

Do you ever see a day where hypnotherapy is widely accepted amongst the medical profession?

I do know that more and more medical doctors are recommending it to their patients, and some medical courses do now cover hypnosis. I am not sure whether it will be widely accepted. The problem with hypnosis it is difficult to conclusively prove its effectiveness. There are many studies that do prove that people undergoing hypnosis have been significantly helped in many always. However people can always argue that it is just the placebo effect, and it is very difficult to prove conclusively that it is otherwise. I sometimes wonder if the placebo effect is a form of hypnotherapy. A sugar pill may convince you that you are going to get better, and encourage the brain to make the changes necessary – just like a hypnotic suggestion.

I think that hypnotherapy is moving towards being widely accepted by the medical profession, but there is still some work yet to be done. A big problem is that hypnotherapists and hypnotherapy bodies do not have the same financial clout as major drug companies do to fund research.

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My partner and I have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive. A friend of my wife’s suggesting we try fertility hypnotherapy before we go the IVF route. I’m sceptical on whether hypnosis can aid with fertility, what are your thoughts?

Hypnotherapy can aid with fertility. It depends on what the problem is. A physical problem would be very difficult for hypnotherapy to address. However a fair amount of fertility problems are caused by the mind. A couple may for example worry that they cannot afford to support a child, and fear conceiving. Their bodies can respond to this by not allowing them to produce a baby until their perceived circumstances improve. Quite often these worries are unfounded, and they could actually support a child. Hypnosis can help put these problems into perspective, which will stop the mind from signaling to the body that it is not the time to conceive a child.

Evidence of this can be seen in baby boom rates after wars, where it is in the people’s best interest to conceive children. Their minds know that they must produce as many children as possible for their country’s stability.

So I would say that hypnotherapy is not guaranteed, but may be worth a shot if you don’t fancy going through the medical procedures of IVF unless absolutely necessary.

What do you think the values are of hypnotherapy in maintaining good mental health?

Your health can benefit simply by the relaxation created by any hypnotherapy session, no matter what the session is aimed to treat. So for example a session to treat addictions can also benefit you by the relaxation it gives. Most people do not relax enough, and that can be very detrimental for your general health. Stress weakens the immune system, which can increase your risk of suffering from almost any illness. Psychologically you can benefit from regular relaxation. It can help with many issues, such as your confidence, happiness, and your efficiency.

Then there are the suggestions that are added to these sessions. A session may suggest ways for you to be more confident, assertive, positive thinking etc. These can have a positive impact on the way you conduct your life, which in turn can have a positive impact on your mental health.

I’ve heard of great movies being described as “hypnotic” and “mesmerizing”. Can film (and television) produce an hypnotic effect in the viewer, or are the descriptions merely hyperbole?

There is definitely some truth in these descriptions. People often go into a trance when they are watching TV. The signs for when this is happening are when time seems distorted – usually time seems to go very quickly. Haven’t you ever watched a 2 hour film that seems less than half an hour long? Also you seem blinkered as to what is going on around you. Have you ever experienced a time when watching TV or a movie, when things have happened around you without you noticing? They can be quite significant, like people trying to talk to you, or things being moved around the room without you noticing. You are in a trance because you are so focused on the screen, that you do not consciously notice significant things happening around you.

Advertisers know this, which is why they spend millions on putting adverts on during TV programmes. They know that you may be in a hypnotic trance, and consequently more suggestible to their appeals for you to buy their products.

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