Ask The Hypnotherapist #4

I was born in France and moved to America at the age of 8. I’m now in my mid-thirties and I’m contemplating moving back to France. When I was young, obviously I spoke French but that seems like a distant memory now. I’d like to try and re-learn the language before I make a serious decision on whether to move or not. Is hypnosis something that could help me with language recovery?

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes

Yes, hypnosis can help with memory enhancement. Everything that you have ever known or experienced is stored in your brain. However there is so much information that retrieval is often a problem. Hypnosis can help organise your thoughts and make retrieval of information easier. Also the memory works far better when we are relaxed. Hypnosis can help keep our minds calm when attempting to retrieve information. My HypnoBusters memory session aims to help you organise your thoughts, and keep your mind calm and relaxed.

Has there ever been a case you’ve heard about of someone being stuck in a hypnotic trance?

No! There has never been a case of that ever, and I can say with absolute certainty that there never will be. Most of us experience hypnotic states every day. We are in a hypnotic state when we are engrossed in a book for example. It would be ridiculous to think that someone may never get out of being engrossed in a book!

Could hypnosis help me change my eating habits? I’m an extremely fussy eater which makes life very difficult for me. I can’t even go out to restaurants because I’m always unsure if they’ll be anything palatable for me. There’s no medical reason why I’m so picky with food.

Yes! Our habits are all formed by our unconscious mind. With hypnosis you can communicate with this part of the mind and convince it to change. You will probably struggle to find a hypnosis download that deals specifically with this issue, but you will be able to find a hypnotherapist that can deal with this. If you are struggling, then get back in touch and we will create a HypnoBusters audio session for you.

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What is your opinion on stage hypnosis? Do you think it harms the profession of medical hypnotherapists or do you see it as just another form of entertainment?

Well the problem lies in this. I see stage hypnosis as something completely different to clinical hypnotherapy. However the general public often get confused and regard them as the same thing. People have sometimes expressed a fear that I may turn them into a chicken during a therapeutic session! First I wouldn’t know how to do that, and second, why would I do that when treating someone for something like IBS?! In the right hands stage hypnosis is just harmless fun, but I suppose you can get the odd idiot who spoils things.

Do you ever place yourself under hypnosis when you feel the need to relax?

I certainly do – it saves me a fortune in hypnosis bills! Actually anyone can learn this. I may add an audio session in the future that teaches how to do self hypnosis.

I have an usual problem which has baffled any doctor I’ve been to see concerning it. No matter what the temperature is I always feel cold. People tell me I don’t feel cold to touch but I in my mind I’m always shivering cold. I’ve had a number of tests done and doctors have found no reason for this to be happening to me. This condition has plagued me for a few years now and there’s no reason or event I can remember that might have triggered it.

My question is, does this sound like a problem hypnotherapy could help me overcome? Would you recommend I make an appointment with a hypnotherapist in person?

This does sound like quite a tricky one! A clinical hypnotherapist could help you remember what triggered this problem. If the trigger is treatable, then a hypnotherapist could then help you with dealing with the trigger, solving the current problem of feeling cold. With a scenario like this, it is difficult, if not impossible to treat with hypnosis audios, so yes, if you wish to pursue hypnotherapy, I would recommend you make an appointment with a clinical hypnotherapist.

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