Advertise On HypnoBusters

We are happy to announce that we are offering a fantastic opportunity for you to advertise your website on the home page of HypnoBusters. HypnoBusters is a well trusted brand that has delivered excellence in the field of hypnotherapy for over three years. Every month HypnoBusters receives over ten thousand unique visitors a month, and twenty thousand visitors a month in total.

HypnoBusters Web Stats

The links we are offering are exclusively text links as our research has shown that customers pay these the most attention.

To ensure your advertisement is noticed we are only accepting a maximum of four advertisements at any one time. We are also only accepting adverts from websites that are either related to the topics of health or self improvement. We are not accepting adverts from hypnotherapy/hypnosis websites for obvious reasons.

When you buy a link from HypnoBusters you can be assured that you are buying a strong, safe link. Not only is HypnoBusters a very popular website but our link placement system complies 100% with Google guidelines.

Currently we offer placements for one, three and six months. One month costs $175, three months $450 ($150 a month) and six months $750 ($125 a month). We work on a calendar month, so if you pay for an one month advert which goes up on March 4th then your advert will expire on April 4th.

When you have paid via Paypal you will see a box where you can enter instructions to us about how you would like your advert to read. Please use the following guidelines.

Title: (10 Words Max)
Description: (40 Words Max)

Length of Time

If you have any questions you’d like to ask about this opportunity to advertise on HypnoBusters then contact us at the email address below.

HypnoBusters Email

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