Hypnotherapist’s 5 Mind Tricks To Improve Your Life

Hypnotherapist’s 5 Mind Tricks To Improve Your Life

5 Simple Mind Tricks To Improve Your Life…

As a clinical hypnotherapist, I use several simple techniques to make my life easier. They don’t require years of study with a master in the Tibetan hills. Or otherworldly powers. They are simple, easy to apply, and can be used straight away. But they have a powerful positive influence.

Please share this article with anyone you think could benefit from these life enhancing techniques.

Here are some techniques I use in every day life. They help me in various ways, and can help you too. My personal favourite is the third one…

Get into your bubble

Techniques For Every Day Life
Seek Comfort In Your Own Protective Bubble

Sometimes it’s difficult going to an unfamiliar situation. A job interview is a classic. You arrive at a strange place, meet people you don’t know, and talk about yourself intimately. This is a rare situation to find yourself in. It’s natural to feel threatened.

A good technique to help is to imagine a protective bubble around you. Spend a few minutes with your eyes closed imagining a protective bubble around you, and say to yourself the word “bubble” several times.

Once you’ve done this, use it immediately to retain this self programming. Go somewhere that’s just a little daunting and say to yourself the word “bubble”. Notice how much better you feel.

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Protective Ball Of Energy Meditation MP3

Hear the crowd roar

Simple Techniques For Every Day Life
The Roar Of A Crowd Can Spur You On

It is well established in psychology that a cheering crowd helps raise performance. That’s why athletes often attempt to gee up the crowd.

When playing sport or at the gym, I imagine a crowd cheering me on. I see masses of people in my mind. I hear the roar of the crowd spurring me on. Chanting my name, and clapping. I find it incredible how much difference this makes.

Try this next time you are playing sport or at the gym. Let me know how it goes.


Simple Techniques For Life
You Can’t Be Stressed If You’re Breathing Calmly

As I said earlier, this is my personal favourite…

We all feel nervous and anxious at times. But this technique is a belter. It’s simple yet so powerful. If you were to use only one technique from this article, use this.

When you’re feeling anxious, your breathing becomes shallow, quick and erratic.

In order to combat these feeling of anxiety, simply reverse these breathing trends.

Consciously breathe slowly, deeply, and evenly. You can do this at any time and in any situation. No one will know you are doing it.

Try it right now. Even though you might not being feeling that anxious. Just try 5 slow, deep, even breathes.

Feel a little more relaxed? Try this again when in a stressful situation. I promise you it helps.

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Breathing Meditation MP3

The “power break”

Techniques for life
Take A Few Minutes Out For A “Power Break”

Sometimes we have a lot on during the day. You might have been running round for hours, and have only a few minutes until you’re running around again.

What you need is a “Power Break”. With this technique you can enjoy an hours worth of relaxation in just 5 minutes. Here’s what you do.

Go into a room by yourself and make sure you won’t be disturbed. Either sit or lie down. (I personally prefer to lie down).

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Breathe slowly, deeply and evenly, like we discussed in the previous technique. On every out breath say to yourself the word “relax”, and count your breaths.

So you would say “Relax 1”; “Relax 2”; “Relax 3”…and so on. Do this on every out breathe for as long as you wish. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes, you will feel much more relaxed.

Float off to sleep

hypnosis techniques to improve life
Float Off To Dream Land

Sometimes it’s difficult to get to sleep. The previous technique can help with this. But here’s another one I often use to help me get to sleep.

When I’m in bed I close my eyes and use my imagination. I imagine floating out of my body and travelling somewhere pleasant.

It can be anywhere, such as a tropical beach, a garden, to visit family, or go sight seeing. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a real place or imagined. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been there before. Just imagine being at this place and enjoying the experience.

This usually quickly allows me to drift off to sleep. This technique also increases your creative abilities if you do it regularly. You become better at imagining places in greater detail, which has a great knock on effect to aid creativity.

Final thoughts

These simple techniques have significantly helped me, and many people I have shown them to. They are all simple enough to be used right away, without any skills required.

But the more you use them, the more they help you.

If you think someone you know would benefit from some of these techniques, please share the good karma.

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Super Sleep Hypnosis MP3

Why You Must Believe To Achieve

Believe To Achieve

Believe To Achieve

Why You Must Believe To Achieve…

If you want success in whatever you are doing, you have to believe it is going to happen to YOU.

Later I will show you a simple but powerful technique to help you gain belief. But first…

Most people who have goals, live in hope that one day it will happen. Hope is usually not enough as it trusts to luck.

A lot of people live in hope that one day they will be wealthy. However they don’t truly trust their abilities to make it happen. Usually the extent of their action is to play the lottery or pursue some other form of gambling. This is obviously trusting to luck.

You have to truly believe you can achieve if you want a realistic shot at making it happen. This way you’ll have the inner strength to put in the effort to make success a possibility. Sitting back and waiting for success is the worst strategy you can employ. But without a strong inner belief, that is the most likely course of action you will take.

You need a firm belief that you will be successful, then take action.

In a moment I will share with you a technique you can use to build up your belief. First, we’ll talk more about hope and belief…


Believe To Achieve

With hope, you’re unlikely to get beyond moderate success. This is because it blocks you from putting in the proper effort. You hold back, and not even know you’re holding back. With hope you take steps to achieve your goals, then sit back with your fingers crossed and hope. Is this what the winners of the world do?

Say you want to become a full time blogger. You set up a blog in the hope that people will love your writing, and it will pay you a lucrative wage where you can go travelling the world.

You set up an attractive design and update regularly. Then you visit social sites and make friends and share your content. Your readership slowly starts to grow. After months of effort, your visitor growth plateaus and you are stuck at around 100 visitors per day.

You carry on in the same vein, hoping that “something will happen” to push your blog to the next level. Know what? This “something” never happens, unless you’re extremely lucky.

Why You Should Believe To AchieveBelief

If you truly believe you are going to achieve blogging greatness, you can approach this plateau differently. You look at why you’ve not yet achieved the blogging greatness you deserve. Is your writing really up to standard? Could your blog design be better? Are you marketing it hard enough? Instead of sitting back in hope that something will happen, you take action and make it happen.

Your belief can drive you to try new things, learn new skills, and improve existing skills. You have to grow and learn or else you are stuck in a rut, waiting and hoping.

When trying to achieve anything you always hit a plateau. This is what separates the best from the rest. Most people stick at plateaus, never growing beyond them, even after years of effort. Those people that truly believe they can achieve their goals find a way to push through plateaus and continue to grow.

How to believe

As a clinical hypnotherapist I coach people to have a successful mindset, with some fantastic results. Here is the quickest way I have found to help people discover their inner belief…

You must be clear in your mind what you want. If you want a wage so you can quit your job, then great. If you want to be a high earner so you can travel the world, that is great too. Get it clear in your head what you want to achieve.

Once you have decided, it’s time to visualise. Spend a few minutes every day visualising the success you want as if it has already happened. If you want a luxury villa, then visualise it as if you own it now. Imagine enjoying all the facilities that it comes with. Try to make the image as clear as you can, with all the details, facilities and colour schemes. Spend a few minutes every day doing this.

This helps program your subconscious mind to achieve your goal. Your subconscious mind will be reminded of what you want. In turn it will influence the choices and decisions you make to help you achieve this goal. It’s a very natural process.

Because you are visualising your success as if it is happening now, this bolsters your belief. You will feel it in your core. You will “know” that it is just a question of time. This helps you to properly fight for your goal, rather than live in hope. Belief allows you to dare to put yourself on the line and really go for it. This can make all the difference when you want to achieve something great.

If you don’t believe you can achieve your goals then you will be naturally inclined to save your effort. How successful can you really be when not giving 100%?

Final thoughts

Don’t sit back with your fingers crossed and hope to achieve your goals. Make them inevitable. Visualise exactly what it is you want to achieve. Believe you can achieve, and fight hard to make it happen. Go that extra mile to get what you deserve. You have one life, so gather your heart and mind together, and fight for the life you want. Your dreams can become a reality, but only if you believe.

successfulthinkingNeed a little help? CLICK HERE for details of my Successful Thinking Hypnosis Session

9 Ways To Increase Your Motivation For Life

9 Ways To Increase Your Motivation For Life

Ways To Increase Your Motivation For Life…

9 Ways To Increase Your Motivation
Motivation Increases The Quality Of Your Life!

Motivation is a key ingredient for a happy and successful life. Most of us know this. The problem is that we’re wired to be lazy. Let me explain…

Stone age people didn’t have the abundance of food we have today. If they wanted to eat then they had to earn it. They would go hunting and gathering for food, which burns valuable calories. Sometimes they would have a successful hunt, sometimes not. Any net gain in energy was precious.

Stone age people didn’t want to frivolously burn their hard earned calories. Once work was done, they would laze around and sleep – just like lions do. They wanted to make the most of their calories. That way they could survive longer before needing to find more food.

Life is different now. Most people can eat as much as they want. There’s no need to preserve energy. However our subconscious minds don’t know this. It still thinks we must be lazy to survive. That’s why you must continually fight for motivation.

It is NOT natural to be motivated for things beyond our basic needs. You must find ways of creating motivation.

Here’s my 7 top ways to increase your motivation…

Remind yourself why you want to do something

Ways To Increase Your MotivationIt’s important to be aware of what you’re getting out of doing something. If there’s no perceived gain, then it’s difficult to stay motivated.

When you don’t feel like going to the gym, you can forget why you started going in the first place. When you feel like this, remind yourself of all the reasons why you will benefit. Perhaps write them down as a reminder, if you can find the motivation! 😉

Have a dream

If you wish to stay super motivated, then have a dream to aspire to. It might be to retire to a tropical island, or to own a dream home. Find a long term goal that you genuinely want. This helps keep you focused on what you’re shooting for.

Have short term goals

Long term dreams and aspirations can become daunting. It’s always good to break them up with short term goals. That way you can see yourself achieving things along the way.

You may wish to aim to save a certain amount every month in order to work towards financing your dream. This helps keep you going through the tough times.

Visualise often

Regularly spend time visualising your success. Visualise yourself having achieved your goals, both long term and short term. Gain an understanding of the “feeling” of succeeding. This helps drive you to seek out this success. It’s a way of programming your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is also very effective for this.

Wake up early

Waking up early ensures you get more done. You start the day on the front foot. This feels positive and energising.

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Wake Up Early Hypnosis Session

Surround yourself with motivated people

Having motivated people in your life inspires you. Their positivity and energy rubs off on you. They are likely to encourage you and show you how its done.

Eat a healthy balanced diet

Giving yourself the right nutrients massively increases your energy levels. Aim to eat natural foods, and avoid processed ready meals and snacks.

A good rule of thumb is to eat foods that were available 1000 years ago. Eggs, meats, fruits and vegetables are all good. Cook from scratch, rather than buy mass produced ready meals.

Drink plenty of water

Dehydration saps your energy levels. Make sure you drink plenty of pure clean water every day. It’s especially important to drink water early in the day to get your system up and running.

Enjoy life

If you don’t take time out to enjoy life, you can feel “ground down” and lethargic. Find fun things to do to keep yourself interested in life. Enjoying your current life should be considered an essential ingredient to your success.

Need Help With Your Motivation? Please CLICK HERE For Details Of My “No More Procrastination Hypnosis” Session

How To Use Timeboxing To Get More Done

Timeboxing To Get More Done
Timeboxing Can Massively Increase Your Productivity – Especially With Boring Tasks!

How To Use Timeboxing…

Timeboxing can help you get a lot done in a short space of time. The benefits are obvious. Your life is more organised, you become more successful, and have less weighing on your mind. Here’s how it works…

What Is Timeboxing…

Timeboxing involves giving yourself a time deadline to complete a task. You then do it the best you can within the time you have given yourself. Then you stop, whether you have completed the task or not.

To clarify this, here’s a couple of examples of how timeboxing can be used in day to day life…

Examples Of Timeboxing

Timeboxing Is A Great Cure For A Child’s Messy Bedroom!

My daughter is not the most tidiest of people, so her room is often a tip. When faced with the task of tidying up, it seems daunting, and she doesn’t want to tackle it. I have solved this by saying to her I will time her and she has only 10 minutes to make it as good as she can. It’s like a challenge – a sort of a game. I say you don’t need to finish, just make it as good as you can in 10 minutes, then you can go out with your friends.

This makes her happier because she knows she won’t be spending hours laboriously tidying and missing out. It’s only 10 minutes. Plus it makes it more fun as there is a game element to it. She will also get praise for how much she has accomplished in such a short space of time. Every time we have done this she has finished tidying her room and it is a hell of a lot better. The room is transformed in just 10 minutes. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with this technique.

Please CLICK HERE For Detail Of My Take Action Hypnosis MP3

Timeboxing Is Also Great For Adults!

Recently my wife got up late (around 11am) and needed to do her college homework, then go into town to buy a present. She also had college early that evening, so didn’t have a great deal of time to play with. I suggested to her that she does an hour homework right now, then we will go into town together and pick a present, then go out to lunch. Although her homework was only half complete, we were eating lunch by 1pm with a present on the floor next to us. By 2.30pm we were home and she had more time to finish her homework. What could have been a stressful day was turned into a nice day with some leisure time, plus she achieved her objectives. Without this technique she could have had an unpleasant day worrying, and getting little done.

Other Applications

If you have loads of boring filing to do. Give yourself 20 minutes to do as much as you can. You will surprise yourself at how much you can do in such a short space of time. And it won’t feel as bad doing it. If you haven’t completed the task, that’s fine. You can always have another timeboxing session at a later date.

Timeboxing is best used for those long monotonous jobs that don’t need a high level of quality to consider. These are also the jobs that most of us find the most boring, and the ones we leave until “later”.

Why Timeboxing Works

Timeboxing works because it helps you get started with something, instead of worrying about how you are going to do it. It also helps bypass the pressures of perfectionism, which can hamper us nomoreprocrastinationfrom starting, continuing, and finishing something. Jobs that at first appear intimidating can seem far simpler with timeboxing. The problem with most tasks is not completing them, or not starting them in the first place. Timeboxing can significantly help you get things done.

Now you know how to use timeboxing! Please let me know how you go along.

If you know someone who would benefit from learning about timeboxing, please share this article with them.

Need help getting started? CLICK HERE To Check Out My No More Procrastination Hypnosis MP3 today

10 Things Unsuccessful People Say

10 Things Unsuccessful People Say

Do you think like a successful person? If you don’t then you could be missing out. Here’s 10 Things Unsuccessful People Say…

How you talk to yourself and others is VITAL for your success. It programs your subconscious mind and effects the way you behave and make decisions. This can easily be the difference between success and failure.

Do you say the right things for success?

Here’s what to avoid saying (the best one is at the end BTW)…

It can’t be done

Unsuccessful people say things can’t be done. History is littered with people who did things that “can’t be done”. To be successful you often have to innovate. You cannot innovate without believing you can do something that hasn’t been done before.

Please CLICK HERE To Check Out My Successful Thinking Hypnosis MP3

I can’t…

Don’t let your abilities stop you. Learn a new skill, or hire someone to do it. Bill Gates stopped programming in the 80’s, and paid more talented programmers to do it for him.

I can do it all myself

Maybe you can, but if you do, you are likely to become a one man band running a small business. Sometimes you need to outsource to specialists who are better than you at certain tasks.

Don’t trust anyone

Trust is vital when running a business. Lack of trust will hold you back. You will be too fearful to do anything.

You must trust employees if you want to get the best out of them. You must trust customers not to abuse guarantees. And you must trust in your own abilities.

I’m frightened of criticism

If you become successful, you WILL receive criticism. Someone will disagree with something you do. Listen and learn, but don’t let it stop you pursuing your plan of action. There are many negative people out there that would rather put you down than work on their own plan for success. Don’t let them drag you down to their level.

I’m right, you’re wrong

You can’t be right ALL the time. It doesn’t make you look weak admitting you’re wrong. It makes you look strong. It also gives you the opportunity to learn from other peoples’ experiences.

I like to please everyone

Many people fail because they try to please everyone. If you do then you are likely to get nowhere. For example, people in your life will probably want you to play safe and get a “proper job”. If you please them you won’t go far.

Everyone has different opinions on what you should do. Listen to them, but find your own way.

It’s too risky

You can’t be successful without taking some risks. Don’t be reckless, but be prepared to take a chance.

It’s not my fault

It’s fine for things to go wrong – at least you’re trying. Things ALWAYS go wrong. Learn from them and laugh at them. It’s how you handle them that counts. If you are fearful of mistakes, then you will be too afraid to try new things.

If you don’t take responsibility for things going wrong, then it implies that those around you are at fault. This is not the way to build team unity.

I’ll be successful one day

“One day” never happens. Convince yourself you are successful NOW, and be grateful for all you have, and all you’ve already achieved. Then aim to be more successful.

successfulthinkingWould You Like To Think Like A Successful Person? Please CLICK HERE For Details Of My Successful Thinking Hypnosis MP3 session.